Steamboat is Back Open for Business
Posted by Kim FillerOn June 1, the lodging ban that was implemented as a safety measure in response to the outbreak of COVID-19, will be lifted. For our team at Condos in Steamboat, it brings a huge sigh of relief. After months of uncertainty, Routt County is now open to visitors.
This summer will be a summer like no other. Like everyone, we’ve had to adapt to a new ‘norm.’ For most of us in Steamboat Springs, we’ve been separated from our neighbors, friends and families. Our activities amounted to walks around the block, or occasionally, a hike in the backcountry as the weather warmed. The pace of life slowed and allowed us to take stock of what is important.
Mindsets vary on how we move forward, but there is one common thread that binds us all. We don’t want to go back to the hustle and bustle of life’s crazy pace. This summer we won’t have the regular festivals and laundry list of events that keep our wonderful visitors coming in droves. Instead we will have our trails, rivers, lakes, mountains and meadows to play in. Restaurants, shops and galleries will be open in accordance to state laws.
This is the summer that will be devoid of distractions that keep us from enjoying the simple things. The bare bones of this little ski town are the reason most of us chose to call Steamboat home. It’s the people and the place that keep the curse of this former cow town alive, “Those who leave the Yampa Valley, will always return.”
We hope you will return to us soon.
If you are planning to visit this summer, please pack a mask. Routt County has made it a legal requirement to wear a facemask in public, even though it is not mandated by the state.