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Attention Highway 40 Road Closure in Steamboat Springs

Posted by Kim Filler

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASounds a little far-fetched? Not for residents and visitors who have come to love this typically snowy night tradition. Shopkeepers close early, setting their storefronts up as candy stations for trick or treaters. Fire trucks and police cars forgo duty (fingers crossed for no emergencies), becoming a focal point in the middle of the road. Parked instead with sirens blaring intermittently capturing the attention of awestruck youngsters.

Here in Steamboat Halloween is not all about the candy. Old timey diner Johnnie B Good’s hand out French fries and shakes, hot chocolate stations are placed strategically to heat up frozen souls alongside hot chestnuts roasting and warmed apple cider.


As an animal loving community, you can bet the family pet is now super dog, hot dog or mini musketeer. Dog treats replace candy making it one for all and all for one.

So, if you find yourself travelling through on Thursday night don’t be frustrated, park the car and join the fun. It will probably be snowing and every driver needs a break, right?




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